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Комментарии 5

>Can you improve the text?

Sure, here is an improved version of the text:

AI has been a buzzword for a while now, but it seems that it is only now with the release of the new ChatGPT 3 to the public that it is so close to revolutionizing the educational technology field. In this article, I will give my first impressions, test results, and insights on the new technology.

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a powerful chatbot that can write texts, code, answer questions, and solve various problems. It can even write college essays that, although lacking the personal touch of a human writer, are still of high quality.

The emergence of ChatGPT reminds me of the early days of distance learning. 15 years ago, it was primarily used for children with special needs, but now it has evolved into massive online open courses from top universities, available to anyone with internet access. Similarly, in corporate learning, e-learning has transitioned from being seen as a cheap and less effective replacement for offline trainings, to becoming an integral part of a complex educational system that combines the best qualities of offline and online learning for employees.

However, the release of ChatGPT has also sparked serious discussions about the potential threats of its use. Since its release in December, many educators have expressed concerns that it could become an ultimate cheat sheet for students, ultimately destroying the educational process, or becoming a source of misinformation.

As an educator, I also rushed to test its capabilities and ponder its potential impact on the work of instructional designers. Through my testing process, I have discovered that while ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it is important to use it responsibly and in conjunction with human instruction to ensure a high-quality education.

In fact, the technology is so seriously advanced now that sometimes it's scary what awaits us next

I truly believe it will be used for good, but we sure need to be cautious while adapting

ChatGPT-3, as an AI language model, has the potential to revolutionize the field of educational technology. Its capabilities include natural language processing, text generation, and conversation simulation, which can be leveraged to develop interactive educational tools and resources.

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