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Aleksei Volkov @AlekseiVolkov

Front End Developer at Luxoft

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Gatsby and its Greatness

Уровень сложностиПростой
Время на прочтение6 мин
Количество просмотров466

In the internet’s early days, blogging was straightforward. A server with PHP and MySQL allowed you to share your thoughts globally. Even FTP access with an index.html file sufficed.

However, as the web evolved, so did blogging requirements. Non-programmers needed user-friendly web interfaces, faster loading times, and seamless daily publishing. Platforms like Reddit, WordPress, and Tumblr emerged, but they faced a common issue: website ownership.

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How Closures Work and Why It Matters

Уровень сложностиСредний
Время на прочтение8 мин
Количество просмотров1.1K

They might sound complicated, but they are actually a fundamental part of the language. In this article, we’ll explore closures in a straightforward and practical way. Let’s clear up common misunderstandings. Walk through real-world examples. Nail those tricky interview questions about closures. By the end, you’ll see closures not as a hurdle, but as a valuable part of your JavaScript toolkit.

Continue Closure Journey
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macOS Terminal: A Guide for Front-End Developers

Уровень сложностиПростой
Время на прочтение7 мин
Количество просмотров2.9K

Hello, fellow front-end developers! Imagine a tool that’s not about punching in commands but a gateway to a world of coding artistry. That’s what the macOS Terminal became for me at Luxoft. 

Explore Advanced Terminal Techniques
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HDR Displays and CSS: Enhancing Color and Brightness on the Web

Уровень сложностиПростой
Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров4.4K

High Dynamic Range (HDR) allows for a wider range of colours and brightness levels. This technology works on displays that support HDR format. Nowadays web advantage of display gamuts such as Display P3 and Rec. 2020, which can display a much larger color space than traditional sRGB displays. It is 50% more colours.

CSS is ready to fix it (at least for Apple users). Find colour gamuts comparison, code examples and device support overview below.

Unlock HDR with CSS - read more
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