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Backup & Recovery Solutions from China

Reading time9 min

There are new challenges that force IT companies to look for non-trivial approaches to solve the problems of their customers every year.  And as you know LANIT-Integration is not an exception. Our team has already managed to work with many products, but we never stop discovering new ones.

In this article I would like to provide an overview of backup and recovery software from Chinese vendors and to compare these solutions with domestic ones.

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Total votes 15: ↑15 and ↓0+15

Windows Native Applications and Acronis Active Restore

Reading time9 min
We continue telling you about our cooperation with Innopolis University guys to develop Active Restore technology. It will allow users to start working as soon as possible after a failure. Today, we will talk about Native Windows applications, including details on their development and launch. Under the cut, you will find some information about our project, and a hands-on guide on developing native apps.

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Total votes 16: ↑16 and ↓0+16

Service for Active Restore or the Story of an Industrial Project at Innopolis

Reading time8 min
Hello, Habr! My name is Roman. Today I would like to share a story of how we at Innopolis University developed a test stand and a service for Acronis Active Restore system, which will soon become part of the company’s product range. Those interested to know how the University builds its relationship with industrial partners are welcome to click the «Read More» button.

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Total votes 14: ↑14 and ↓0+14

Active Restore: Can we Recover Faster? Much Faster?

Reading time5 min
Backing up valuable data is a proven practice, but what if we need to continue work immediately after a natural disaster or other disruptive events, and every minute is important? Our team at Acronis decided to see how quickly we can start an operating system. This is our first post from the Active Restore series. Today I will tell you how we launched our project with Innopolis University, which solutions were studied, and what we are working on today. All the details are under the Cut.

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Total votes 9: ↑8 and ↓1+13

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